Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White

Roseanna White is an excellent story teller. I thoroughly enjoy her books! This is a large almost 400 page book and I guarantee that you will struggle to stop reading. I devoured this book. Lady Rowena character is so sweet, timid and broken that you can't help but love her and hope the best for her. The Duke of Nottingham is a flirt and the most eligible bachelor in the area but his faith is extremely strong and you can't help but admire all he goes through and his faith in God. The story has many unexpected twists and turns which leave you wanting more. I wrote in a previous review about White's first book in this series and the difficulty with keeping track of all the different characters and their different formal names. This book was easier to read. Either because I had read the first one and remembered everyone or because there seemed to be fewer characters and less names to keep track of. Either way, I strongly recommend reading this book. Thank you to the publisher for the chance to review this copy.

The Painter's Daughter by Julie Klassen

Another great Klassen book! I have enjoyed many of Klassen's books and this one does not disappoint. There are many twist and turns in the conflict of this story which left me thinking about what will happen next while I was forced to put the book down. I will admit there were a few sleepless nights when I decided to sacrifice sleep for the greater good of reading more of this book. You feel sorry for Sophie as she is struggling with the choices she made and at the same hoping that she will be joyful in the end. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book to review.

Streams of Mercy by Lauraine Snelling

I have purchased and reviewed Lauraine Snelling's books for many years. I usually like to read her books, hence why I keep purchasing, but these last two have not been my favorite. I wrote in a previous review that the book preceding this one was not a story line I enjoyed. Since I usually like Snelling's books, I decided to review this book and hope for a good read. That did not happen. Honestly, I tried. I could not get into the story line. I stopped reading it, read another book to review and tried to come back to this story, but I could not finish it. The story just didn't seem to be going anywhere. The characters were boring and there wasn't any rising action hoping to get to a climax. I read over half of the book, but sadly could not finish it. Thank you to the publisher for the chance to review this book.